העולם שלי יצא דרך הדל
היא לקחה איתה את לבי
כי אני אוהב יותר
השעות חלפו כמו שניות
כאשר הלבבות שלנו היו שני 1
שניות חלפו כמו שעות
אחרי שהיא אמרה שהיא עושה
היא תאהב אותי לנצח
לפחות זה מה שהיא אמרה
הלב שלה שייך למישהו אחר
זה מה במכתבה לקרוא
אני חי כבר לא בצבע
העולם שלי הוא שחור ולבן
אני תמיד תוהה מה היא עושה
בעודי שוכב ער בלילה
אני מקווה מחר טוב יותר
זה מה שאני מתפלל
אבל עכשיו הלב שלי נשב
Sunday, 29 April 2012
Wednesday, 25 April 2012
Missing You
I can't stop crying today
My world walked out the door
With her she took my heart
For I will love no more
The hours passed like seconds
When our two hearts were one
The seconds passed like hours
After she said that she was done
She was going to love me forever
At least that is what she said
Her heart belonged to someone else
That is what her letter read
I no longer live in color
My world is black and white
I always wonder what she is doing
As I lie awake at night
I hope tomorrow is better
This is what I pray
But right now my heart is broken
I can't stop crying today
My world walked out the door
With her she took my heart
For I will love no more
The hours passed like seconds
When our two hearts were one
The seconds passed like hours
After she said that she was done
She was going to love me forever
At least that is what she said
Her heart belonged to someone else
That is what her letter read
I no longer live in color
My world is black and white
I always wonder what she is doing
As I lie awake at night
I hope tomorrow is better
This is what I pray
But right now my heart is broken
I can't stop crying today

Tuesday, 24 April 2012
Monday, 23 April 2012
Saturday, 21 April 2012
Everything I have done for you
Everything you have done for me
But I do
You may have forgotten
That I loved you for you
That you never needed to change
But I remember
You may have changed
But the real you still shines through
You still brighten even the darkest of days
You no longer treat me the same
Yet I am still trying
I can see your still there
Hidden, dug under the surface
Things haven�t always been great
We had our ups and downs
As all friends do
But we were there for each other
Now you have locked yourself away
I�ll never forget
The way you made me feel
The way you still make me feel
I will never,
Never forget each time you flirt with another guy
I will forever remember your past
I will always be tormented by you
Though time has passed
Nothings changed
I am living the past
I remember...
I remember those times
Both the good and the bad
I remember how I used to love you
How you turned me down
How you broke my heart
But now it is mended
It still beats for you
My love
My first and only love
I will never forget.....
I'll Never Forget
You may not rememberEverything I have done for you
Everything you have done for me
But I do
You may have forgotten
That I loved you for you
That you never needed to change
But I remember
You may have changed
But the real you still shines through
You still brighten even the darkest of days
You no longer treat me the same
Yet I am still trying
I can see your still there
Hidden, dug under the surface
Things haven�t always been great
We had our ups and downs
As all friends do
But we were there for each other
Now you have locked yourself away
I�ll never forget
The way you made me feel
The way you still make me feel
I will never,
Never forget each time you flirt with another guy
I will forever remember your past
I will always be tormented by you
Though time has passed
Nothings changed
I am living the past
I remember...
I remember those times
Both the good and the bad
I remember how I used to love you
How you turned me down
How you broke my heart
But now it is mended
It still beats for you
My love
My first and only love
I will never forget.....
barang antik
Everything I have done for you
Everything you have done for me
But I do
You may have forgotten
That I loved you for you
That you never needed to change
But I remember
You may have changed
But the real you still shines through
You still brighten even the darkest of days
You no longer treat me the same
Yet I am still trying
I can see your still there
Hidden, dug under the surface
Things haven�t always been great
We had our ups and downs
As all friends do
But we were there for each other
Now you have locked yourself away
I�ll never forget
The way you made me feel
The way you still make me feel
I will never,
Never forget each time you flirt with another guy
I will forever remember your past
I will always be tormented by you
Though time has passed
Nothings changed
I am living the past
I remember...
I remember those times
Both the good and the bad
I remember how I used to love you
How you turned me down
How you broke my heart
But now it is mended
It still beats for you
My love
My first and only love
I will never forget.....
I'll Never Forget
You may not rememberEverything I have done for you
Everything you have done for me
But I do
You may have forgotten
That I loved you for you
That you never needed to change
But I remember
You may have changed
But the real you still shines through
You still brighten even the darkest of days
You no longer treat me the same
Yet I am still trying
I can see your still there
Hidden, dug under the surface
Things haven�t always been great
We had our ups and downs
As all friends do
But we were there for each other
Now you have locked yourself away
I�ll never forget
The way you made me feel
The way you still make me feel
I will never,
Never forget each time you flirt with another guy
I will forever remember your past
I will always be tormented by you
Though time has passed
Nothings changed
I am living the past
I remember...
I remember those times
Both the good and the bad
I remember how I used to love you
How you turned me down
How you broke my heart
But now it is mended
It still beats for you
My love
My first and only love
I will never forget.....
barang antik
they're followed by the bad
one minute you're joyful and happy
the next you're broken and sad
love is a dagger
that kills all of your fears
but it can turn on you
and put you to the ground with tears
you get back up
and give it another shot
you meet someone else
and soon you're back as if you forgot
but once again
it tears you down
you feel your regrets
as you lay on the ground
if only love was simple
as simple as it could be
this world would have less broken hearts
and more faces happy
but its not simple
but it always gives us a smile
to wear over our faces
in a love so worthwhile
its something special
something to never be parted
what makes it special is
once its gone.....
you're left broken hearted
Broken Hearted
when good times comethey're followed by the bad
one minute you're joyful and happy
the next you're broken and sad
love is a dagger
that kills all of your fears
but it can turn on you
and put you to the ground with tears
you get back up
and give it another shot
you meet someone else
and soon you're back as if you forgot
but once again
it tears you down
you feel your regrets
as you lay on the ground
if only love was simple
as simple as it could be
this world would have less broken hearts
and more faces happy
but its not simple
but it always gives us a smile
to wear over our faces
in a love so worthwhile
its something special
something to never be parted
what makes it special is
once its gone.....
you're left broken hearted
Wednesday, 18 April 2012
Starting in the mid-20th century a new form of popular folk music evolved from traditional folk music. This process and period is called the (second) folk revival and reached a zenith in the 1960s.
From a historical perspective, traditional folk music had these characteristics
It was transmitted through an oral tradition. Before the twentieth century, ordinary farm workers and factory workers were usually illiterate. They acquired songs by memorizing them. Primarily, this was not mediated by books, recorded or transmitted media. Singers may extend their repertoire using broadsheets, song books or CDs, but these secondary enhancements are of the same character as the primary songs experienced in the flesh.
The music was often related to national culture. It was culturally particular - from a particular region or culture. In the context of an immigrant group, folk music acquires an extra dimension for social cohesion. It is particularly conspicuous in the United States, where Polish Americans, Scottish Americans, Irish Americans, Asian Americans and others strive to emphasis differences from the mainstream. They will learn songs and dances that originate in the countries where their grandparents came from.
They commemorate historical and personal events. On certain days of the year, such as Easter, May Day and Christmas, particular songs celebrate the yearly cycle. Weddings, birthdays and funerals may also be noted with songs, dances and special costumes. Religious festivals often have a folk music component. Choral music at these events brings children and non-professional singers to participate in a public arena, giving an emotional bonding that is unrelated to the aesthetic qualities of the music.
The songs have been performed, by custom, over a long period of time, usually several generations.
As a side-effect, the following characteristics are sometimes present:
There is no copyright on the songs. There are hundreds of folk songs from the nineteenth century which have known authors. However, they have continued in oral tradition, to the point where they are classified as "Traditional", for purposes of music publishing. This has become much less frequent since the 1970s. Today, almost every folk song that is recorded is credited with an arrangement.
Fusion of cultures. In the same way that people can have a mixed background, with parents originating in different continents, so too music can be a blend of influences. A particular rhythmic pattern, or a characteristic instrument, is enough to give a traditional feel to music, even when it has been composed recently. It is easy to recognize the presence of a bagpipe or a tabla in a piece of music. The young are usually much less offended by the dilution or adaptation of songs this way. Equally an electric guitar can be added to an old song. The relevant factors may include instrumentation, tunings, voicings, phrasing, subject matter, and even production methods.
From a historical perspective, traditional folk music had these characteristics
It was transmitted through an oral tradition. Before the twentieth century, ordinary farm workers and factory workers were usually illiterate. They acquired songs by memorizing them. Primarily, this was not mediated by books, recorded or transmitted media. Singers may extend their repertoire using broadsheets, song books or CDs, but these secondary enhancements are of the same character as the primary songs experienced in the flesh.
The music was often related to national culture. It was culturally particular - from a particular region or culture. In the context of an immigrant group, folk music acquires an extra dimension for social cohesion. It is particularly conspicuous in the United States, where Polish Americans, Scottish Americans, Irish Americans, Asian Americans and others strive to emphasis differences from the mainstream. They will learn songs and dances that originate in the countries where their grandparents came from.
They commemorate historical and personal events. On certain days of the year, such as Easter, May Day and Christmas, particular songs celebrate the yearly cycle. Weddings, birthdays and funerals may also be noted with songs, dances and special costumes. Religious festivals often have a folk music component. Choral music at these events brings children and non-professional singers to participate in a public arena, giving an emotional bonding that is unrelated to the aesthetic qualities of the music.
The songs have been performed, by custom, over a long period of time, usually several generations.
As a side-effect, the following characteristics are sometimes present:
There is no copyright on the songs. There are hundreds of folk songs from the nineteenth century which have known authors. However, they have continued in oral tradition, to the point where they are classified as "Traditional", for purposes of music publishing. This has become much less frequent since the 1970s. Today, almost every folk song that is recorded is credited with an arrangement.
Fusion of cultures. In the same way that people can have a mixed background, with parents originating in different continents, so too music can be a blend of influences. A particular rhythmic pattern, or a characteristic instrument, is enough to give a traditional feel to music, even when it has been composed recently. It is easy to recognize the presence of a bagpipe or a tabla in a piece of music. The young are usually much less offended by the dilution or adaptation of songs this way. Equally an electric guitar can be added to an old song. The relevant factors may include instrumentation, tunings, voicings, phrasing, subject matter, and even production methods.
Wednesday, 11 April 2012
Tuesday, 10 April 2012
Saturday, 7 April 2012
History of Japan
The history of Japan encompasses the history of the islands of Japan and the Japanese people, spanning the ancient history of the region to the modern history of Japan as a nation state. Renewed contact with the West precipitated a profound alteration of Japanese society. Importantly, within the context of Japan's subsequent aggressive militarism, the signing of the treaties was viewed as profoundly humiliating and a source of national shame. The Tokugawa shōgun was forced to resign, and soon after the Boshin War of 1868, the emperor was restored to power, beginning a period of fierce nationalism and intense socio-economic restructuring known as the Meiji Restoration.
Gold Investment
Of all theprecious metals,gold is the most popular as an investment. Investors generally buy gold as a hedge or harbor against economic, political. or socialfiat currency crises (including investment market declines, burgeoning national debt, currency failure, inflation, war and social unrest). The gold market is subject to speculation as are other markets, especially through the use offutures contracts andderivatives. The history of thegold standard, the role ofgold reserves incentral banking, gold's lowcorrelation with othercommodity prices, and its pricing in relation tofiat currencies during theLate-2000s financial crisis, suggest that gold behaves more like acurrency than a commodity.
Gold has been used throughout history asmoney and has been a relative standard for currency equivalents specific to economic regions or countries, until recent times. Many European countries implementedgold standards in the latter part of the 19th century until these were temporarily suspended in the financial crises involvingWorld War I. AfterWorld War II, theBretton Woods system pegged the United States dollar to gold at a rate of US$35 pertroy ounce. The system existed until the 1971Nixon Shock, when the US unilaterally suspended the direct convertibility of the United States dollar to gold and made the transition to afiat currency system. The last currency to be divorced from gold was theSwiss Franc in 2000.
Since 1919 the most common benchmark for the price of gold has been theLondon gold fixing, a twice-daily telephone meeting of representatives from fivebullion-trading firms of theLondon bullion market. Furthermore, gold is traded continuously throughout the world based on the intra-dayspot price, derived fromover-the-counter gold-trading markets around the world (code "XAU"). The following table sets forth the gold price versus various assets and key statistics
Gold has been used throughout history asmoney and has been a relative standard for currency equivalents specific to economic regions or countries, until recent times. Many European countries implementedgold standards in the latter part of the 19th century until these were temporarily suspended in the financial crises involvingWorld War I. AfterWorld War II, theBretton Woods system pegged the United States dollar to gold at a rate of US$35 pertroy ounce. The system existed until the 1971Nixon Shock, when the US unilaterally suspended the direct convertibility of the United States dollar to gold and made the transition to afiat currency system. The last currency to be divorced from gold was theSwiss Franc in 2000.
Since 1919 the most common benchmark for the price of gold has been theLondon gold fixing, a twice-daily telephone meeting of representatives from fivebullion-trading firms of theLondon bullion market. Furthermore, gold is traded continuously throughout the world based on the intra-dayspot price, derived fromover-the-counter gold-trading markets around the world (code "XAU"). The following table sets forth the gold price versus various assets and key statistics
Friday, 6 April 2012
In general, weaving involves using a loom to interlace two sets of threads at right angles to each other: the warp which runs longitudinally and the weft (older woof) that crosses it. One warp thread is called an end and one weft thread is called a pick. The warp threads are held taut and in parallel to each other, typically in a loom. There are many types of loom. Weaving can be summarised as a repetition of these three actions, also called the primary motion of the loom.
- Shedding: where the ends are separated by raising or lowering heald frames (heddles) to form a clear space where the pick can pass
- Picking:where the weft or pick is propelled across the loom by an air-jet, a rapier or a shuttle
- Beating-up or battening: where the weft is pushed up against the fell of the cloth by the reed . The secondary motion of the loom are the:
- Let off Motion: where the warp is let off the warp beam at a regulated speed to make the filling even and of the required design
- Take up Motion: Takes up the woven fabric in a regulated manner so that the density of filling is maintained
- warp stop motion
- weft stop motion
DI CARI PEMBELI TOKEK PANJANG 30 - 37 cm , JAPANESE SWORD , PRING PETUK .HUB : YAMIN MOSSAD 082147510377 , NUEL MOSSAD 082147698433 , LEO ASHARI 081237960280 , JOZE TLS 0812462536697 , ATAHER 082145144926 , DATO MOSSAD 081242665622 , OMPET +6281337787607 , OMICKY 081353812402 , SANTOSO 081339383959 , ALEX 081236888897 , SHEIK AZEEZ BIN BRUNEI DARUSALAM +6282145726372 , ASIU 03808005807 , YANTOM +6281246350555 , TRIDA 085239396901 , BENRA +6281339258864 , BETEM 0811382912 , ANDRE +6285253046986 / +6281246645952 , CAK NARTO +6282147609876 / +6285253231925 , ASBEL BOLA 081331051363 , HASANUDIN CIKEAS 082146511702 , JERY 08123601083 , BAYU 082146633666 , HANDO 085737538835 , NUEL 081339001754 / 085239181215 , YENI MANOE 085253728575 , SITRI 081246142938 , MEDI 085237468926 , NIRON 082146086144 , MARIANUS 081331484671 , BANG EDY 081338463444 / 081246224442 , PAMBO TENTENA 081246133289 , ABAH 085287645333 , ABAH HEN 082145095388 , UDIN 082147779723 , ABAH 082146512474 , RUSLAN 082146089243 , ALAN 082147055770 , BONI 085239180450 / 081353455353 , CHRISTO 081339462526 , FENDI 085333610079 , WELKIS SEME 085253497000 , YANUS 085230616091 , OMBON +6285253199179 , OMED 082122310852 , OMOKI 0380832346 , OMPACE 08124667940 , OMPOLCE 081339466806 , OMTOE 081339476820 , EDY DOY 081237562047 , CORNELIS 085253379218 , ABAH TEGAR 081371003800 , MUTHALIB 03808109530 / 081338608942 / 087866176482 , RIN 08523144000 , RAMLY 085739293931 / 085253318856 , RONAL 082145664724 , DANIEL LEMA 081236960974 , AGUS FERNANDEZ 085239060952 , CORNELIS MANOE 081339001754 , WANTO PIDJO 085239070323 , DAFO 085253459704 , ,
כד יְבָרֶכְךָ יְהוָה, וְיִשְׁמְרֶךָ. The LORD bless thee, and keep thee;
כה יָאֵר יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וִיחֻנֶּךָּ. The LORD make His face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee
כו יִשָּׂא יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וְיָשֵׂם לְךָ שָׁלוֹם. The LORD lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
כז וְשָׂמוּ אֶת-שְׁמִי, עַל-בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל; וַאֲנִי, אֲבָרְכֵם.
Thursday, 5 April 2012
Wednesday, 4 April 2012
Banana Nut Muffin Recipe
Banana Nut Muffin Recipe
- 3 pieces medium ripe bananas, mashed
- 1 cup walnuts, chopped
- 1/4 teaspoon baking soda
- 3/4 cup granulated white sugar
- 1 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
- 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
- 1/3 cup vegetable oil
- 2 pieces eggs (whites only)
- 1/2 teaspoon lemon zest
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- a pinch of salt
Cooking Procedure
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Combine all-purpose flour, baking soda, salt, and baking powder. Mix well. Set aside.
- Beat-in egg whites in a separate bowl. Gradually add the bananas, vegetable oil, sugar, lemon zest, and vanilla extract. Continue beating until all the ingredients are well distributed.
- Gradually fold-in the flour mixture, and then the walnuts. Mix well.
- Arrange muffin cups on a muffin tray. Scoop the mixture and arrange in each muffin cup. Make sure that you only fill about less than 3/4 of the cup’s volume.
- Place in the oven and bake for 23 to 27 minutes, or until it passes the toothpick test.
- Remove from the oven and let cool by placing on a wire rack.
- Serve. Share and enjoy!
Area 51
What really happened on that warm July, Roswell night in 1947? Surely you have heard of the incident in Roswell New Mexico that has remained a controversy till this day. There is no question that something crashed to the ground that night, but there seems to be no hard drawn conclusion among the different theories. Was it a weather balloon or an alien UFO?
Immediately upon their return to the Roswell, New Mexico base Area 51 there was an official press release stating that debris from some kind of flying disc had been recovered. It had been written by Lt. Walter Haut, and a newspaper story followed on July 8th with the headline “RAAF Captures Flying Saucer on Ranch in Roswell Region”. Click Here to see the actual paper!
However, that press release was almost immediately pulled and replaced by another stating that the crash was only that of a weather balloon, and had nothing to do with an alien UFO. Lt. Walter Haut never a made a big deal of it, and always was nonchalant about the incident when interviewed over the years. He died in December of 2005; supposedly leaving the truth behind in an affidavit that was only to be opened after he had passed away.
His affidavit was a shock to some. There were many people who never stopped believing the government was running a conspiracy, and it looked as if they were finally able to say “I told you so”. Lt. Walter Haut claims that the crash was indeed a UFO made from material that was extremely thin and light weight, yet incredibly strong. He went even further to say that he had seen a couple of aliens on the floor of a hangar where the UFO was stored; they were about 4 feet and had large heads compared to their little bodies.
He also divulges information about a secret meeting between top officials where the UFO was discussed, and even pieces of the debris were present to be viewed and examined. Nine months following the Roswell crash, military and government officials scoured the Texas land to find every shred of debris and evidence of the crash. It was rumored that they even hunted down locals who had recovered a piece for a souvenir and seized the materials.
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